The One Purpose of Emotions:
The one purpose of emotions is connection in love.
Without emotions we would be robots, androids or automatons.
We would have a purpose but no passion
We would have function with no fun
We would have creation but no inspiration.
Emotion is such a contribution to our humanity. Emotions connect us. Emotions bond us. Emotions rally us.
There is a drive in all of mankind to share compassion, instinct and need.
The drive of emotion is to have true intimacy for both men and women.
Authenticity and vulnerability with our emotions bring connection.
When we tap in and share our emotions we share our humanity. We can get the full spectrum of our humanity.
Connection takes place in our #1 Circle of the Circle of Relationships and here we can have incredible spiritual connection through our emotions in relationship to God or Source.
This can be a daily experience.
We can actually experience joy by processing our emotions in this #1 relationship.
Deep intimacy takes place in our #2 Circle of relationships when we think back to times of shared emotional experiences.
Great emotions of fun and joy take place when we enjoy shared experiences and adventures with close friends and family members of our Circle #3 and #4 relationships.
Emotions help us connect with fellow workers to give us purpose in the things we are doing in life.
Emotions help us enjoy the things of life.
May we connect with our emotions and allow our emotions to connect us with others.