Off Course Of Course
If you are in flight a lot, moving from one destination to another, it may not comfort you to know that a plane is off course over 90% of the time. The purpose and role of the pilot and the avionics instrumentation is to continually bring the plane back on course so that it arrives on schedule at its destination.
In life, you are the pilot of your own craft. You must first of all determine your destination. To reach your destination of a healthy self and healthy relationships you must do as a pilot does; make healthy, incremental adjustments in the course that you are on to get to the place you want to be.
Flight is good but once in the air a question comes soon after. Now what and how far is the fall?
When something we have strived for so long has been reached we lose the usefulness of that goal. What we have been focused on is now being passed and will soon be in the rear-view mirror. There is a grieving in accomplishment. The truth be told, most high achievers are not in it for the money. They chase the dream because they like chasing the dream. There is a thrill of the pursuit. When a chapter in our life ends or we achieve a goal, even if it's a happy ending (retirement home purchased, security cash in the bank, desired car or boat purchased…) there oftne is a drastic let down. This can be a danger zone for many ambitious people.
Days of accomplishment change us and sometimes it’s not for the benefit of us or our relationships.