Rethinking Autonomy KARPMAN'S DRAMA TRIANGLE Confrontation with Results How to Confront with Results (Part 1) How to Confront with Results (Part 2) Questions On Confrontation More Thoughts on Confrontation (Part 1) Even More Thoughts on Confrontation (Part 2) Resilient Relationships GOALS & GRATS Calmmunication Calmmunication - Two Frequencies Calmmunication - Three Words That Create Barricades Calmmuncation - Four Approaches Calmmunication - Five Questions To Answer Calmmunication - Six Types of Listening Think Again (Collective Thinking) Think Again (Interpersonal Rethinking) Think Again (Individual Thinking) Otherish Giver Give & Take Formatting Forgiveness Part 1 Formatting Forgiveness Part 2 Feelings & Fences 8 Foundations Flooding Lake Present Invitation to Source Course 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Give It A Rest Rhythms of Rest Rest & Laziness Redefining Success A Boat Load of Success Success In Circles 1-3 Success In Circles 4-7 Awkward (Part 1) Awkward (Part 2) Love It or List It Time Budget 3 Words of Transformation (Should) 3 Words of Transformation (Good) 3 Words of Transformation (Could) Getting Even Estimating Value 7 P's OF PURPOSE 7 P's OF PURPOSE (PAST) 7 P's OF PURPOSE (PRESENT) 7 P's OF PURPOSE (PASSION) 7 P's OF PURPOSE (PEOPLE) 7 P's OF PURPOSE (PROFIT) 7 P's OF PURPOSE (PROGENY) 7 P's OF PURPOSE (PROFICIENCY) 7 P's of Purpose (Recap & Reflection) 3 P's OF INTEGRITY ONE PURPOSE OF EMOTIONS - CONNECTION TWO BASIC EMOTIONS THREE APPROACHES TO EMOTIONS FOUR RESPONSES TO EMOTIONS THE FIVE INDIGENOUS EMOTIONS THE SIX UNIVERSAL EMOTIONS POTENTIAL CONNECTIONS OF EMOTIONS A NUMBER OF THINGS ABOUT EMOTIONS ERROR & ERA FRIENDS PART 1 ERROR & ERA FRIENDS PART 2 ERROR & ERA FRIENDS PART 3 EXPECTATIONS FOR VACATIONS PART 1 EXPECTATIONS FOR VACATIONS PART 2 ARE THE GRATEFUL DEAD PART 1 ARE THE GRATEFUL DEAD PART 2 HOLIDAYS WITH THE IN-LAWS AND OUT-LAWS TRAIL THROUGH TRIALS OCCUPY DAYS FLY DAYS WHY DAYS QUESTIONS FOR TRANSITIONS THE HEALTHY RELATIONAL WINDOW DEPLETION OR COMPLETION PASSION THROUGH PLANNED NEGLIGENCE HIDE & SEEK COMMUNICATION PART 1 HIDE & SEEK COMMUNICATION PART 2 BOUNDARIES & WALLS ETR ENERGY TIME RESOURCES REST QUEST FORM & SPIRIT PART 1 FORM & SPIRIT PAR 2 FORM & SPIRIT PART 3 JOURNALING ON PURPOSE CHANGE IS A CONSTANT



Occupy days are the bridge between why days and fly days. They help give us stability in the why days and help us be prepared for fly days which are both part of our journey. 


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Most of life is lived these days. These are days of the ordinary, the routine, the commonplace, and even the mundane. There is a comfort in regularity of life and most people, even people of adventure, long to have the base camp they are familiar to operate from. There is a stability in the reliability. These are days where we are occupying…

There are three parts that keep us in a good routine:

            1.         Good work - mission, vision, values, and plan.  That which expresses meaning.

            2.         Good rest - filling the tank and restoring. That which re-centers. 

            3.         Good recreation - this is the stuff that we enjoy. That which fills up.

Routine is not a negative. It can be but doesn’t have to be. There is a difference between a grave and groove.

Punching a clock can be routine. 

No matter how similar days are, there are still transitions going on. We are all changing a little bit at a time.

Summary of the series:

-Why Days - days where we are hurting and feel the pain.

 -Fly Days - days where we are soaring and see the accomplishment.

-Occupy Days - days where we are in normal routine and find grounding.

Our life is made up of three days. Why Days, Fly Days, and Occupy Days. No matter what the day we are changing. The secret is to embrace each day for what it is; a day of transforming life. 
