Cornerstone #1
- Love
Definition of Love
Love is the Accurate Consideration an d Dedicated Commitment ... to a want or need.
The Three Loves
Love from God
Love of Self – The Love of self is the essential component to love others
Love to Others
Cornerstone #2
- Grace
Intention versus action
Is this person meaning to do harm or is it a harmful action?
Grace is giving the benefit of the doubt.
We often give ourselves a pass (grace) in our intention but we judge others on their action.
Corner stone #3
- Value
Where do we get value from?
The character trait evidenced by what I do, not what I do that gives me the valuable character trait
Cornerstone #4
- Truth
Truth is being authentic, real and vulnerable. I have to tell myself the truth to be able to tell others the truth.
When we get real we live a real life.
Lack of truth bring s shame.
The more we talk about our shame the less we have it